
If you are feeling tired and run down all the time, suffering from unexplained aches and pains and continually falling victim to colds and other infections, then you may have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

Our Cold & Flu IV Drip provides the vitamins and minerals that your body requires to fight the infection and the maintenance of the immune system.

Whether you’re recovering your equilibrium or just combating the aggravations of everyday life, our Energy Booster IV drip provides valuable energy-producing vitamins.

Our Sport Performance Booster contains key B vitamins, amino acids, magnesium and calcium, that help the body convert nutrients into energy and speeds up recovery.

Myers Cocktail is an infusion of multiple vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium. This nutrient cocktail is injected into the body via IV.

Our number #1 drip for sickness and recovery. IMMUNITY is perfect for those who need a quick turnaround or boost to their immune defences.

Still paying for last night? Get your body and mind on the right path to feeling healthier with our MEGA Recovery Infusion.